UC Davis Research Master Plan

University of California, Davis

Designing a Research Hub at UC Davis

At the time this master plan was developed, the UC Davis Medical Center Campus was organized around two “hubs” or centers of activity - the Hospital to the northwest and Clinics to the east. Anticipating significant growth in research over the next 10 to 15 years, this master plan created a third hub dedicated to research. A key driver of the plan was to integrate this new hub into the overall campus fabric.


400,000 gsf

Year Complete



Davis, CA

Project Tags

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UC Davis organizes development of its campuses around functional zones, with building clusters in each zone that provide flexibility in accommodating growth and change. For this research zone, concentrating researchers in building clusters accomplished several of the University's goals.

First, it provided the critical mass of researchers required to generate the need and facilitate the funding of important core facilities. Important facilities are thereby available that would otherwise be beyond the means of individual researchers.

Second, clustering researchers together promotes interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary collaborations and interactions consistent with the complexities of the research being pursued. This kind of collaboration is key to fostering innovation.

Third, by connecting these state-of-the-art research facilities through a common circulation spine, researchers have direct access to not only each other, but a diverse array of shared lab support facilities, creating a more efficient use of space.

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A mixed-use core connects the three zones

In the center of the campus a mixed-use core will provide a diverse range of potential activities, including academic, instructional, administrative, clinical, clinical research and central open space. This mixed-use core will connect the hospital, clinics and research zones with a clear pedestrian circulation route and a central open space, where people from across the campus can meet, socialize and share ideas.