SRG's Response to the Global Health Crisis

March 18, 2020

We are doing our part to continue serving our clients with the highest level of design service while keeping our staff, their families and the broader community safe. As of March 18, we have moved to a virtual office platform, with all employees working remotely. As industry leaders in the use of online and cloud-based design technologies, we are leveraging our expertise and tools to work effectively together and keep projects on track. We are using video conferencing to stay connected to our clients, to each other and to our communities. Even though we have canceled all non-essential travel, we are finding that being able to see each other face-to-face at this difficult time is essential to providing support and connectivity as we navigate this new reality.

We are inspired by the resilience of the human spirit and the many ways all of our close partners and colleagues across the AEC industry are leaning in to help each other. As we share resources and strategies on how to move forward, we become collectively stronger. SRG is committed to this effort, and we thank all of you who have engaged us to date. We encourage others to reach out to us to be a part of this essential community of support.

In addition to sharing ideas about how we continue to serve our clients and support our staff, we look forward to being part of conversations about how design thinking may play a role in responding to this unique moment in history. We believe it is time to rethink, reset and renew in so many critical ways as individuals, teams, businesses and whole communities, and we are committed to this exploration toward a better world.

If you'd like to discuss ways we can best work together through this time or have any questions, please feel free to contact SRG President Jeff Yrazabal at