SRG Announces Recent Hires

October 30, 2019

We're excited to welcome new talent to our offices in Seattle and Portland! Please join us in celebrating the following recent hires:

Kenny Grist, AIA, LEED BD+C, has been hired in SRG’s Seattle office as a Senior Associate. An architect with more than twenty years of experience, Grist has successfully worked in project architect and project manager roles for numerous education, technical and healthcare clients throughout the West. Current projects include the University of Washington IMA Pool Validation Study and the City of Seattle Municipal Courts Lobby Renovation. Grist graduated from Andrews University with a Bachelor of Architecture.

Sohee Ryan has joined SRG in Portland as an architectural designer. A graduate of the University of Arkansas with a Bachelor of Architecture and a Minor in Art History, Ryan has five years of experience in the architecture industry and brings strong graphics and visualization skills to the firm. She is currently working on the Oregon State Capitol Accessibility, Maintenance, and Safety Seismic Upgrade and the Oregon Health & Science University Aerial Tram Recladding.

Eric Reynaert, LEED GA, has been hired as an architectural designer in SRG’s Portland office. Reynaert brings five years of design experience and a passion for sustainable solutions that improve communities. He earned his Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Arizona, where he was awarded for his design excellence, and is currently working on the Marine and Environmental Research and Training Station (MERTS) at Clatsop Community College and the Western State Hospital master plan. Reynaert is a native Spanish speaker and was recently selected as a Partners in Diversity Say Hey! Honoree.

Rachel Lozeau has been hired to SRG’s Portland office as an architectural designer. Lozeau graduated from the University of Oregon with a Master of Architecture and a specialization in Architectural Technology. She also graduated summa cum laude with a B.S. in Architecture and Minor in Visual Arts from Roger Williams University. Lozeau brings four years of industry experience as well as strong technical and graphics skills to SRG, with current work on the Oregon State Capitol Accessibility, Maintenance, and Safety Seismic Upgrade.