SRG Day 2016

May 18, 2016

Every year on SRG Day, we take a little time out of our busy schedules to gather as one firm, recharge and bond with each other so we can serve our clients, colleagues and community even better. This year we designed, built and played midway games at the SRG Fair!

Materials were sourced with sustainability and social responsibility in mind. At the end of the day we dismantled our creations, took a load of cardboard to Far West Recycling, and donated the rest.

  • Two moving-truck loads of materials to SCRAP for creative reuse
  • Blankets to a local homeless shelter
  • Frisbees, wiffle balls, and ping pong balls to local kids by way of schools and after-school programs
  • Leftover food to Urban Food Gleaners to help feed hungry families