SRG Portland's New Studio Space Design

September 20, 2017

SRG’s Portland studio has been located adjacent to Pioneer Square for nearly 28 years, and for good reason. We loved our connection to the Square and the core of Portland, the convenient access to mass transit, and our proximity to the many partners we collaborate with across the city.

Yet as we evolved we found that the space no longer supported our design process and culture. We believe the best environment for discovery and innovation removes barriers between people and increases opportunities to share, contribute and build on ideas together. We sought a space that would allow the widest possible range of individual and team working styles and tools, knowing that by embracing diversity we reach our fullest potential. We envisioned a studio that would connect to nature and views, and be inspired by biophilic principles and human comfort.

Beginning in 2018 SRG’s new address will be 621 SW Columbia Street, on the ground floor of the old Oregonian Building, an architectural landmark design by Pietro Belluschi. Located just 5 blocks south of our current location, the building has been recently revitalized, offering an exciting design opportunity for SRG. The unique structure and open plan have allowed us to create a modern workplace that fosters collaboration, can change and adapt over time, and that reflects our commitment to design.

This next step in SRG’s evolution is the result of considerable reflection on how to achieve our aspirations as a design firm and best serve the needs of our clients in the 21st century. We look forward to the many opportunities for collaboration and discovery that are to come in 2018 and beyond.

Some key features of our new space are:

Diversity of Design Environments. Flexible, dynamic spaces serve multiple functions while fostering discovery and an integrated design process. An open kitchen is both the social hub and a place for all studio meetings. Meeting spaces distributed throughout the studio provide both open and private rooms, allowing for a diversity of working styles and collaborative synergy. The model shop and materials library double as places for experimentation and research.

Connection to Nature. Inspiration from the Living Building Challenge coupled with our values of performance, sustainability and human comfort guided our design, incorporating healthy materials, access to nature, and environmentally and socially responsible studio practices.

Innovative Materials. A 4,500 square foot mezzanine made of cross laminated timber (CLT) is the result of SRG’s ongoing research into mass timber technology and its many benefits. Incorporating CLT as a material in our studio symbolizes our commitment to sustainability while lending a warm, inviting feel to the space.

Design. Our passion for craft and design beauty is represented in how spaces are detailed and configured. We kept the environment clean and modern, with a restrained palette of materials and color. Our high design bar provides daily inspiration for staff while demonstrating to clients and guests our capabilities in workplace design.

Follow us on social media at #SRGNext to view updates of our studio renovation!
